Generating Factors of Students’ Engagement in Street Corruption: Gender, Attitude, Cheating, And Religiosity


Ibnu Hadjar
Umul Baroroh


Corruption is an acute problem in Indonesian public affairs. It has involved almost all relevant parties concerned in any public affair. This study investigated students’ engagement in street corruption when applying for a driver’s license and when ticketed for violation of traffic rules. It involves gender, attitude towards corruption, academic cheating, religious belief, and behavior as factors predicting a student’s probability to engage in street corruption. Using a questionnaire developed for this study, data were collected from 566 students, selected by using cluster sampling from a state Islamic university and a state Islamic institute in Central Java, Indonesia. Data were analyzed by using a logistic regression technique, both separately for each factor and simultaneously in four different models. The study found that gender, attitude towards corruption, and religious behavior are significant factors in predicting the likelihood of a student’s engagement in street corruption or bribery to police traffic officers, both separately and simultaneously. However, academic cheating and religious beliefs are not significant, neither separately nor simultaneously. It indicates that behavioral factors are accurate predictors, while value ones are not.


How to Cite
Hadjar, I., & Baroroh, U. (2025). Generating Factors of Students’ Engagement in Street Corruption: Gender, Attitude, Cheating, And Religiosity. International Journal of Human Research and Social Science Studies, 2(02), 25–35.


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