Exploring the Impact of Citizen Journalism on Traditional Media


Kehinde Segun


This literature review investigates the diverse impacts of citizen journalism on traditional media within the current media landscape. Through a detailed analysis of existing research, it delves into the influence of citizen journalism on traditional news production, the transformation of distribution channels, and shifts in audience engagement. The review also addresses how citizen journalism has democratized the flow of information, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Furthermore, the implications for traditional media institutions, professional journalists, and the broader societal effects—such as freedom of expression, civic participation, and democratic governance—are examined. By critically evaluating empirical studies, this review offers insights into how citizen journalism is reshaping traditional media and considers its implications for the future of journalism and media democracy.


How to Cite
Kehinde Segun. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Citizen Journalism on Traditional Media. International Journal of Human Research and Social Science Studies, 1(3), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.55677/ijhrsss/01-2024-Vol01I3


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