Romantic Relationship Satisfaction in Georgian Households


Magda Rukhadze


Satisfaction in a relationship is defined as a subjective assessment of a romantic relationship that includes specific aspects such as intimacy, passion, commitment, and trust. The purpose of this study is to determine what factors contribute to the satisfaction of the relationship. GGS database is used, according to which an independent variable is represented by a relationship satisfaction, while the dependent variables were grouped in terms of socio-economic factors and household tasks. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive, correlational and regression analysis. The results of the study show that the difference in relationship satisfaction is observed in terms of gender, age, and number of children. Linear regression models explained the independent variable with varying degrees of accuracy, but socioeconomic factors, particularly financial and intimate relationship disagreements, were found to be the most significant.


How to Cite
Rukhadze, M. (2024). Romantic Relationship Satisfaction in Georgian Households. International Journal of Human Research and Social Science Studies, 1(1), 24–36. Retrieved from